Lois & Clark, Smallville Rambles.

Apr 15, 2006 04:37

I am really, really, really tempted to buy the second season of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman and the fourth season of Smallville. I know, I'm terrible for only wanting to start at the fourth season but I tried to watch the first season and while I liked it, I couldn't get into it that much. Watching the relationship with Lana was tainted by my love for Lois and Clark together (which was cemented into my brain from my LOVE of the Lois and Clark TV show) and I just wanted to gag at all the Clark/Lana moments. Lana is a sweet girl, she is very pretty and everything, but everyone and their mom knows that Clark ends up with Lois. It's the way it goes. Though I did really like Whitney, he was a sweetie. And Lex is cool.

So yeah, about a half a year ago I was searching for info about Smallville after buying the first season of Lois & Clark (being on a Superman kick and all) and found out "Hey! Lois comes in in season four. Kick behind!" Thus started my pursuit of more information about that season and what's going on and so on and so forth. That was when I found HappyEnding.Org, which is a site dedicated to the Lois & Clark relationship, focusing a lot on Smallville. With video clips and all that cool fun stuff, so I started raiding the site and watching the Clark/Lois interaction clips and well, I was hooked. For a little bit at least then quickly got distracted by something else.

Organizing my favorites made me come across the site again, and I have spent the last two days when I had free time reading fanfictions, downloading music videos and more episode clips and I am so so tempted to go out and buy the fourth season! But alas, I want money for Disney World (TWO WEEKS! ONLY TWO WEEKS!). And I realize a lot of people like the whole Clark/Lana thing, and I don't mean anything mean towards that couple or anything, but being so Lois/Clark biased, I can't, for the life of me, stomach their relationship.

Anyways, what makes me like their relationship (Lois & Clark) so much in SMALLVILLE is the fact that you know what is going to happen eventually, unless the writers take stupid pills and decide to totally eff up the whole Superman legend. The symbolism, the little foreshadowing every once and a while. Like Clark saying he could never love anyone but Lana, then lo! Lois comes driving up. Also, I love how they bicker with each other, and all that.

And I just lost whatever ability to formulate ideas coherently that I had. I had so much more I wanted to say but now I just can't think. I need sleep ;_; Well, maybe I'll finish this ramble some day a year from now when I get into Smallville again.

So I end with this. After ten years, I still want to marry Dean Cain. The end.

Not proofread. At all. Sleep time.

tv series: smallville, tv series: lois & clark

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