Well, after seeing the Prizoner of Azkaban yet again (this time with my mom), I have to say I love the Twins in this movie. In the previous two movies the Twins were, well, they were, I dunno. They had a few good lines, but this time, they really felt like the Twins from the books!
Anyways, I just finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for the second time, and this time around I found that Umbridge didn't piss me off as much as she did the first time, because I knew what was coming to her. I still enjoyed when she got hers, though >=D! Harry, though he pissed me off in the beginning like usual, he didn't piss me off towards the middle and the end like he did last time, which was good. Another weird thing, is that the second time I read it through, Sirius Black became one of my favorite characters, and I don't think it had anything to do with the Azkaban movie because I started feeling that way before I saw the movie. The same with Ginny. I like Ginny a whole bunch now, after reading this book for the second time.