Electric boogaloo, flying effervescently in the night. Thoughts coalesce nascently in the cranium. The entertainment comes naught from the exterior, but from the interior and anterior. Poetry and idioms, words and phrases. Ponderings and maunderings typologically arranged for your legimen.
Comments 3
Electric boogaloo, flying effervescently in the night. Thoughts coalesce nascently in the cranium. The entertainment comes naught from the exterior, but from the interior and anterior. Poetry and idioms, words and phrases. Ponderings and maunderings typologically arranged for your legimen.
I must remember to check LJ before leaving the house.
I would have taken you to a lovely party. Or told you dirty jokes.
I ended up ordering a pizza, drinking some wine, and watching the M*A*S*H marathon on tv-land. That's a good Saturday night, right?
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