More info on the puppies from their current owner:
Lobo is tan and white and 37 lbs. He is a cuddler and loves getting his belly rubbed. He also has a spot behind his right ear that he loves to have rubbed. Chew toys are his favorite treats of all time and he's not often found without a rawhide bone in his mouth. Even though he's not the alpha male, Kodi always lets him eat first. Lobo is motivated by food. Offer him a treat and he'll do anything for you.
Kodi is black, and white, 40 lbs and has a permanently curly tail, which always is wagging. Kodi is the alpha male of the two and gets to go outside first. (Lobo always waits for Kodi). Kodi loves getting his chest rubbed and laying by people's feet. He loves drinking water and
will be at the water bowl as it's being filled to drink.
They eat Iams large breed dog food. They LOVE to go for car rides and walks (but really need help with being leash trained).
The pups are potty trained. They have day access to a doggie door and at night are kenneled.
The dogs are not neutered yet. I'm willing to help pay for their neutering though.
Kennels and doggie door will go with the pups in addition to their beds and and toys.
Hope this helps.
If you know of anyone who's looking for a pair (hopefully) of awesome brothers - let me know, ASAP.