Aug 16, 2010 12:05
the shift key the left shift key on my computer is broken....i am debating still whether to retrain myself to use the right shift key or resign myself to typing like a 15 year's time for an interview1....!
1. Who was your first love?
cartoon fox robin hood
2. Who was your first kiss and when?
ok's the thing, the thing is first kiss was in a was during rehearsal for the play...practicing for the kiss in the play...and i know that it shouldn't kisses never ever count...but i was sixteen....and i really really liked the boy i was playing opposite and i can't be sure he was completely i say it counts and i smile every time i think about it, so there.
3. Who was your first prom date?
jamie o'leary...and
4. Who was your first room mate?
ashley petit, fabulous first of four excellent college roomates
5. What was your first job?
gosh....probably babysitting? does that count? first official job job was probably summer camp counselor? i dunno...
6. What was your first car?
sparticus....all i can remember is that it was tan and totalled within the first three months of my having it. yes.
7. When did you go to your first funeral?
about oh...5 years ago... my aunt's mother, very cool lady, very weird experience, i really really really dislike funerals...i guess that's what you're supposed to's like going to the dentist.. nobody likes doing it but you have to every now and again....and people who do like it have issues.
8. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?
college so....19?
9. Who was your first grade teacher?
mrs. rawitch...i don't think that's how you spell it...i remember there being more letters in there...she was a good lady
10. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
disneyworld...when i was like...11? 10? geez how do i not remember how old i was?
11. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with?
christ um.....well...jeff was my first official boyfriend...i think we went out to dinner? johnny rockets or something trendy like that maybe?
12. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
that is something i have never done...i did sneaky things all the time though...i snuck my boyfriend into my hotel room when i was on tour...i was 18...and he wasn't in the cast that's pretty sneaky
13. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
derek probably...and we're facebook friends if not proper ones and he's a good sport when i post old baby pictures of i'd say yeah we are kinda
14. Who was the first person to send you flowers?
probly my dad, though i dunno...i was a firstborn...i bet i got shit tons when i was born...
15. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house?
wagner college staten island....or do you mean moved out completely....i'm almost moved out now...but i still have a ton of crap at my parent's house....tricky question
16. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
depends, if it's parent friendly mom get's the phone call...if it isn't, curls gets the brunt of it
17. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or a groomsmen?
i was a flower girl at my uncle's wedding....when he married for a second time i was considerably older and less i sang instead
18. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
be lame...and turn on my computer
19. What was your first career choice?
actor...still is my first choice....if you pay me to act i am a happy happy girl
20. What was your first sport?um.....running from imaginary daleks? still a favorite