Mar 08, 2005 20:10
Ok time for my updation......
yesterday was well ummm fucking lost going the right way to rochester ahaha maybe next time we should just go the wrong way so we dont get lost lol. so we get to the concert me and rach were beaching in the back when all a sudden the love of my life dustin came up to us.....talked to him for sumtime then he had to go get ready to go on...plain white t's were good bopped to them for sum time then our boys hopesfall came home they rocked but...they didnt play my song damn it...chris and steveo finally showed up fashionably late lol. hung by the bar for a little then hit up that backstage...woohoo all the free beer that we wanted i deff claim that couch next time we go its so comfy lol. missed anberlin but talked to them after...hawthorne heights rocked...sugarcult was amazing...after the show everyone cleaned up and what not marco from sugarcult came up to my and rach and told us he was our new boyfriend but we had to share him lol hes so funny i love him....after standing around like what felt like 10 years chris called and told us we were invited on hawthorne's tour bus o man it was so much fun they made us white russians that= no good lol yea for peanut butter and jelly hahaha. then it was time to go back to the hotel for sum partying almost didnt make it down the stairs hahahah. got to the room saw my dustin......haha um yea.....did sum partying wiht all the bands got really drunk.chris got sick and was in the bathroom for quite sum time poor little fella. later on hh and sugarcult had to get back on the road so they left marco is gunna look me and rach up next time hes in buffalo...hh gave us there hotel room to sleep in which was so nice of them but since chris was sick no one wanted to share a bed with him for a bunch of us slept in one bed....over all the night was amazing dont kno how hopesfall got up at 7 to leave...wont see them till warped but it will be worth the wait...opps didnt make it home in time for school today. all i can remeber is rachel yelling at me for sleeping with my coat on lol i dont kno why but she did hahaha i love her so much. yea for fall out boy and hopesfall going on tour together sumtime this year.ugh im so tired cant wait to go to bed!!!