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just for weird kicks...
Jul 30, 2006 00:31
What would you do if (
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July 31 2006, 16:11:37 UTC
What would you do if:
I committed suicide: I'd find a way to die but not die and then go to Heaven and drag your butt back to this world!
I said I liked you: I'd waddle my penguin self over to the nearest body of water and fall in.
I kissed you: Wouldn't know unless it happened.
I lived next door to you: Spontanious Movie and Anime nights!
I started doing really bad drugs: I'd kick yo butt so hard you wouldn't do them again...
I stole something: I'd tell your mommy!
I was hospitalized: I'd have to visit, now wouldn't I?
I ran away from home: I'd kick yo butt if you were younger, but you're allowed to run away when you can legally move out on your own ;)
I got into a fight and you weren't there: I'd be an open ear if you needed someone to vent to after.
Personality: It's unique and awesome
Eyes: You have eyes?
Face: You could be a basis for an Anime character
Hair: You have hair?
Clothes: You should dress like an Anime girl. That's be cool. hehe
Mannerisms: Wait...what are mannerisms? You have manners?
[1] Who are you? Pen Pen
[2] Are we friends? Duh!
[3] When and how did we meet? Astronomy/Meteorology Class 11th grade, although we had World Cultures together! I sat in the waaaaay back corner
[4] How have I affected you? You became my friend
[5] What do you think of me? I think you're a great person that just needs to think about you instead of others for once.
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? don't think I have one yet...
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Forever and beyond...
[8] Do you like me? Dur, I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't like you.
[9] Have I ever hurt you? Nope
[10] Would you hug me? Sure
[11] Would you kiss me? Eh, if God told me too.
[12] Are we close? I dunno, what do you think?
July 31 2006, 16:48:39 UTC
hee hee, we're definitely friends Pen Pen, thank you!
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I committed suicide: I'd find a way to die but not die and then go to Heaven and drag your butt back to this world!
I said I liked you: I'd waddle my penguin self over to the nearest body of water and fall in.
I kissed you: Wouldn't know unless it happened.
I lived next door to you: Spontanious Movie and Anime nights!
I started doing really bad drugs: I'd kick yo butt so hard you wouldn't do them again...
I stole something: I'd tell your mommy!
I was hospitalized: I'd have to visit, now wouldn't I?
I ran away from home: I'd kick yo butt if you were younger, but you're allowed to run away when you can legally move out on your own ;)
I got into a fight and you weren't there: I'd be an open ear if you needed someone to vent to after.
Personality: It's unique and awesome
Eyes: You have eyes?
Face: You could be a basis for an Anime character
Hair: You have hair?
Clothes: You should dress like an Anime girl. That's be cool. hehe
Mannerisms: Wait...what are mannerisms? You have manners?
[1] Who are you? Pen Pen
[2] Are we friends? Duh!
[3] When and how did we meet? Astronomy/Meteorology Class 11th grade, although we had World Cultures together! I sat in the waaaaay back corner
[4] How have I affected you? You became my friend
[5] What do you think of me? I think you're a great person that just needs to think about you instead of others for once.
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me? don't think I have one yet...
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Forever and beyond...
[8] Do you like me? Dur, I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't like you.
[9] Have I ever hurt you? Nope
[10] Would you hug me? Sure
[11] Would you kiss me? Eh, if God told me too.
[12] Are we close? I dunno, what do you think?
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