Christmas was pleasant, if a little tense. My uncle's side of the family completely ignored my dad (he ended up getting the day off), Dan and me. I don't care. They're really fucked up and I'm glad that I no longer have to deal with their snobbery and loud arguments more than once each year.
Everyone who I bought gifts for seemed to genuinely like them, which made me happy.
I took lots of pictures near my nana's house, but since most look more or less the same I'll just share a few:
Tonight, Eric and his dad took me to a Providence Bruins game. The baby B's won in a shootout. It was a fun time. Next Monday I'm going to see the Boston Bruins vs the Flyers with my mom. My mother's obsession with hockey/the Bruins is well known, so several people got her tickets to games and she's gonna take me to a couple.
Lately I've been spending every moment I have to myself curled up in bed reading, and I love it. Haven't been on the computer much, but I will try to catch up on commenting soon. For now, I'm off to finish Shatterpoint.