So Stacy thinks I should show people this.
I modeled for Joe's friend Matt like last fall. I wore this hip-hop Gwen Stefani get-up, that I felt so ridiculous in, and we shot it in a back alley with tons of graffiti.
Here's Matt's website, he just re-did it and I am on the front page and in the "People" section too, if you wanna check it out.
Matthew Markham He photoshopped it a bit, so I don't think it looks a lot like me, but I've been told it does. But you guys know me: I don't model, or rather, I don't like to do it all that much. Fun once in awhile, yes, when I can act silly and ridiculous, but when I need to be serious it's a tricky one for me.
On another note, I had my first pottery class last night. I made an asymmetrical mug which I am so fond of! I can't wait to glaze it! =)