So thankful...

Aug 14, 2006 21:00

I know I haven't written in a really long time again, but I just suddenly found myself inspired to write. I'm sitting here in bed, and I just happened to look around the room and felt my heart swell. My wonderful husband is fast asleep next to me.... he's so amazing to me. He works so hard to support our family, which allows me the blessing of staying home with our son. I don't think Eric will ever know just how much that means to me. After I stared at Eric for a little while, I looked over at the port-a-crib next to the bed on my side... there is our sweet Jackson who is also fast asleep. He's so beautiful... I never thought I could be so in love. He's the perfect mixture of me and Eric.... he looks like his daddy, but boy does he have Mommy's personality! ;) Finally, I looked at the end of our bed, and Lucy is ALSO fast asleep. She is such an awesome dog, I still can't get over it. I'm so thankful we took the plunge and got her... now I can't imagine our family without her!

We had a great day today.... Eric's mom watched Jackson, and we walked down to their private beach on the lake with Lucy. We went swimming for a couple hours, threw the ball in the lake for Lucy, and just had a blast. We are definitely going to do that more often before summer ends!

Jackson is changing with each passing day. A couple weeks ago, we spotted his first tooth breaking through! Now he has two little nubs on the front part on the bottom. He started solid foods about three weeks ago (why do they call them solids, they're just mashed up fruits and veggies, so not exactly solid!!). Now he LOVES to eat.... it's so much fun to feed him in his high chair! And finally, today he hit a MAJOR milestone. Amy (my sister-in-law) was leaving and she waved bye-bye to Jackson... he then surprised us and waved back at her! It was amazing!! I didn't quite believe it, so we did it three more times and he did it each time! I can't believe my six month old is already waving!!! Oh my gosh, I just read that and I can't believe he's almost six months....SIX MONTHS. Where has the time gone???

Anyways.... I'm just feeling really grateful tonight. Sometimes I really think I need to just stop and focus on all the incredible things I have been blessed with. I'll never be able to thank God enough for my family.
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