Oct 17, 2006 15:07
I think it would be silly of me to think that it would be okay to rant about someone at work to people at work, so here, karen pisses me off. she is arrogant and treats other people like she is so busy when really she's like three or four hundred pounds and we know she isn't sprinting down the hallways. if she and i have the same patients during the day it forces her to be my superior because i don't have med records and i dont pass meds...so everytime i give her info on one of my patients she acts like i am asking for a personal favor and that it is some type of penalty to her. and i think that this is because i am quick and efficient and she is jealous. i annoy her because i am so good at sweet talking the sickies. one girl was in severe pain because of her gallbladder and i talked her into bathing. How many of you would want to bathe when you were sick? not me. sometimes i dont want to when im healthy. and another woman who spoke no english was annoying karen to fuck and i got her to bathe and walk in the hallways. she was also in pain. i made sure karen knew that i was whizzing past her career...all in one day. either way, she just became a nurse. i heard her asking Ruth, one of my faves, a question about something she should have known.....bitch is a newbie and she thinks she will sass me. I apologize for this rant, i have control issues, having a child should have sedated them but as it turns out they have gotten worse because my mom thinks that she will tell me how to raise my son...
Love you all to pieces,