(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 09:01

Anatomy is going well. i have seen a few familiar faces during and after the lecture hour, but the really sucky part about going to a college that is much like a high school is that it's just like high school, if you don't already belong to a group then you don't have one. I start my job at the hospital in a few weeks and then I will make some friends and some money. I'm excited about the money, because i am buying a new car in the near future. I keep having to take my current car to the automobile emergency room and giving it CPR and some light shock therapy...just to have it crap out on me again the next week or so. I saw a sign in the grocery store for new camel menthols...I'm trying to remember the ad...wide, fat, and delicious or something close to that...I thought it was really funny because that's how i used to think of my Kools.

menthols are delicious...
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