The Rage is Strong. My Net Connection Is Weak.

Jan 24, 2004 14:10


For the past few weeks, since the recent cold snap in the Northeast started, I've been having major issues with my cable modem connection. Virtually every night, it dies around 11PM or midnight. Doesn't come back until the morning. Very frustrating, especially since I have several RPs that I'm in that I've been missing session of, or disappearing in the middle of.

Roadrunner tech support has basically been useless. Replaced my cable modem; didn't help. Sent a techie over; signal measured perfect during the day, went out that night.

Finally, Thursday night, I'd had enough. Spent about two hours on hold for various peopleas I got directed to "Level 3" tech support. Except the one in Staten Island was closed, so I was directed to Queens support. Which couldn't help me.

So yesterday morning, I wake up early and call. Local outage. Call later. Okay. Call at 11, when the signal comes back. Nobody has any idea what's going on, but they'll look into it and call me back by 1PM.

2PM, nobody's called back, so I call again. Still, nobody has any idea why my signal's been on the fritz for almost three weeks.

4PM, signal goes out. ARGH. I call to tell them, they go "Really? Uh oh." and dispatch people to check on it. Leave a message for the head technician to call me, tell me why my signal's been on the fritz for 3 weeks. Of course, no callback.

At 7, just before I come home from dinner, they leave a message saying they've fixed the problem, and asking whether my signal is back. I call back, saying "No, my signal's still out.". They go "... oops.", and dispatch more techies. Meanwhile, I'm about to march over there with a firebomb.

But I have a backup plan! I downloaded the latest version of AOL when my conn was still working, and I'll connect via dialup if the signal isn't back by 10PM (when Mystery Club 2 runs).

... except AOL 9.0 has a slight glitch where the feature that lets you find local access numbers doesn't work.

Okay. I call tech support, ask them to give me a local number so I can manually input it.

... except AOL 9.0 doesn't LET you input the numbers manually. Guy says I need to get a copy of AOL 8.0 or earlier. Do I have any AOL CDs handy?

... except I'm the ONLY FUCKING HUMAN BEING ON EARTH with no AOL CDs.

I scrounge around, and I find an old modem CD with AOL 3.0 on it. Install that. It works! I have a net connection!

... except it's so old, its web browser can't use the Java client, and it won't let me connect via mIRC.

Okay! I have an old computer with AOL 6.0 on it. It's ridiculously old, but I can connect using that!

... except it has no modem.

So I unscrew the modem from my computer, and install it in that one. Success!

... except it can't find drivers for the modem, and I can't find the proper CD.

At that point, I give up, and settle for calling up Roadrunner tech support again and yelling at them. I did get the number of the head technician, though, so I'm planning to yell at him today.

And, late last night, I realized: both AOL and Roadrunner are run by Time Warner.

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