Today's airport rant!

Dec 17, 2007 21:08

I love my auntie Joyce!!! Love her to pieces, but I have learned that airports, my aunt, and Jesse do not mix! So there we were, in the Palm Beach airport, and I decided I was going to employ a skycap to help us get me through security...It would, I thought, make it easier. Did it? Of course! I know how to work airports. After eating breakfast, however, we decided, since we had an hour and a half, that we would walk around the airport, and look around a bit. While we were looking around, she got disoriented, and walked all the way out of the secure area, forcing us to have to go back through security again! So, jacket and shoes off, computer out of the backpack, phone put away, photo ID out once again...I was fit to be tied! I mean, no skycap, and my aunt, bless her heart, doesn't realize just how often I do this airport thing, so she's very very cautious with me. More delays! She sent my shoes in with the laptop after I told her not to, which required them to go through all our stuff again! Can somebody kill me now? So after 20 minutes reclearing security, which I shouldn't have had to do again in the first place, I needed some Starbucks. Really, I needed a stiff drink, but I don't drink! Lol! I compromised! I got a caramel apple cider with a shot of gingerbread syrup. We then sat at the gate, and laughed about the whole thing. It was funny after the fact, but it sure weren't funny when I was going through it.

On the flights up here to CT, my aunt and I had such a great time, just talking with each other. I pretty much bore my soul to her about how I felt about things in general, and why I am so reserved when I'm in CT around everyone. She's totally cool with it, and she's such an awesome person to talk to. We made memories today, but boy was I hot this morning!

On the other hand, I made new friends in Florida, and reestablished relations with family that I've missed out on. I had such a good time in spite of the fact that it was a funeral. I told ya I knew how to put the fun in funeral! hahaha! I'm a blessed man, and very fortunate to be in God's ministry. I'm in CT for two weeks, and I'll make the best of it. Other than that, um, I'm exhausted! I feel like I could sleep for a week straight! I'm through! Rant is over!
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