Literature Entry Week Twelve

May 16, 2008 23:09

Hey people, this week I thought I’d write a short story.


Once upon a time a fence post fresh from the sawmill was placed by men into the ground out in the countryside to become part of a new fence.
The fence post enjoyed this time and it was proud of the responsibility of having to be part of the rest of the fence. It liked to feel the sun on its wood during the day and at night the cold wind sweeping by it and found it invigorating in the mornings to be out in the cold frosts and clear skies and it was happy for a time.
One day it was standing in its place doing its job when a small bird flew up and landed on the wire of the fence next to the fence post. The fence post imagined it heard the bird singing a beautiful tune and this set a feeling of inside its wood. Over time the bird returned many times and the fence post became attached to the pretty little creature and the song that the fence post imagined it was hearing and these feelings it felt changed something inside its wood.
The fence post also imagined what it would be like for it to sing and fly, and what it would be like to be with the little bird all the time. Soon it understood that these thoughts and feelings in side of its wood added up to a strange type of love. As it realized this love though it became saddened because it new it would never be able to do these things that it imagined with the little bird and as though to compound these sad thoughts the little bird returned with her new partner bird and the fence post grew sadder still. Soon the little bird flew away wither partner and never came back.
Now the fence post found that the hot sun burnt down on its wood and the wind and the cold of the night chilled it to the core. Time past and birds came and went and some even left their droppings on the fence post, but now it didn’t even notice.
Seasons came and went and the fence post grew old and cracked and grey and wore away. Where the feelings it had for the little bird had been a rot started to form and eat its way outward. Finally men came and dug the fence post out and threw it on a truck and took it away to be burnt.


To conclude this semesters posts I have to say again that I think the literature in the 19 Century was wonderful and have enjoyed all of it and I thought to finish with Chekhov’s “The Cherry Orchard” was perfect for now it has given me a new literary hero to follow.
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