Cleaning Things Up

Jul 01, 2004 23:38

I cleaned my sleeping hole today. It's really all I got accomplished. I guess it was worth it, it's a little easier to go down there.

I also washed every cloth item I could find. All the clothes, clean or dirty. All the bedding; especially all the bedding. That helped, some. There was a lot of hair in the lint traps.

I guess not everybody knows...I only clean when I'm upset. [1]

On the bright side, I sat outside most of the day, in my pajama bottoms, reading Redemption Ark by Alastair Reynolds. Book rather rocks, but you should read the prequel [2] first. They (there are three so far) seem to be all one big story, as I was going to buy the prequel when Strick took us to Barnes&Nobles on Monday [3], but I saw that I already knew the story, for it'd been rehashed in the one I'm reading.

Sulk. It'll be okay; it's a frickin' book. But it's nice to have something inconsequential to think about, now isn't it?

Enough for now.

[1] Yes, I know, I clean sometimes when I'm not in an observably shitty mood. Sometimes it's because I know I have to (house jobs)...other times I'm simply in a bad mood because I saw the filth I am now cleaning. Regardless, cleaning is a cathartic thing for me.

[2] I don't remember the name of the first one now. Alastair Reynolds has three books in print; it's not hard to figure out.

[3] Before Hooters. Also, my God...I miss Strick already.
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