Jan 29, 2008 12:13
When is enough enough, seriously?
If everyone knew what I know then I might not be the only miserable fucker around
You will be forgotten.
Art isn't what it used to be.
Nobody is genuine. Nobody.
The lottery won't happen for you.
You'll never pay off all your debts.
It's better to have never loved at all.
People are both worthless and empty.
You rot in the ground at the end. You do.
Good things don't come to those who wait.
You don't love each other, no one really does.
Killing isn't evil, it's a natural predatory reaction.
Emotions, friends, and money are all constructs.
Humans will destroy themselves, no matter what.
All those muscles won't mean shit when you're dead.
It's not an innovative state of mind, it's mild retardation.
The internet really is killing us. Roundabout though it be.
There's a good chance you'll die before your next birthday.
Ambiguous sex with random people will not make you happy.
Solitude will cause insanity, but other people will cause hatred.
Your eating habits affect NOTHING but your own health. Negatively.
Look to your left and right. They won't ever be famous and neither will you.
When people you know are together without you around, they're bashing you.
It isn't a bonding tool, it isn't a spiritual experience, and it won't make you creative.
The only point of living is to pass on your genetic material via intercourse, nothing else.
If all of this doesn't weigh you down, you might enjoy life.
Unfortunately for me, it's all I think about.