Year-end wrapup, crossposted from elsewhere

Dec 31, 2012 21:13

Ah, 2012.

Not much of note in the first half, I guess, but over the summer I found I had to move from an apartment which I LOVED, but could no longer afford. I moved into a crappier (but cheaper!) apartment much closer to my parents, which has worked out well.

At the same time, my cat was getting sicker, and ultimately I had him put down a week before Christmas. I'm still sad about it, but not as wrecked as I was the first week. So that's good.

Still in the same job, and feeling much better about it now that we have several new employees and no vacant positions in my department. So I went from feeling stretched too thin and ineffective to being the expert in many things and responsible for keeping many fewer people happy!

I finally feel a little more settled here, with a nice group of people I know, some of whom have really become friends. So that's good.

I'm looking forward to a good 2013, possibly with some changes. I may have to move again, and am thinking about looking for a new job. Also probably a new cat. And of course, I wouldn't mind not being single, as I have been for all of 2012.

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