All I ever wanted

Jul 09, 2012 14:07

Took a mini-vacation last week, starting with the holiday Wednesday (actually starting with early release Tuesday). I had so many plans! Beach, movies... all fell by the wayside when I had to find a new apartment, but that worked out. Also I realize I had a couple of busy weekends in a row, and I almost fainted from heat/hunger/dehydration on Tuesday, so in short, I needed a lot of sitting around time, it turned out. Wednesday I basically didn't leave the sofa. Thursday morning I saw apartments and then back to the sofa. Friday I ran my errands, did some work, and then went out to meet some friends for dinner and a movie. But the movie (Magic Mike) was sold out! So I ended up coming back home.

Saturday morning, headed to NYC. Met up with a grad school friend for the Staten Island Ferry, which is still awesome, then went to another friend's house, where we were joined by YET MORE FRIENDS for a nice dinner on the roof deck. I could not live with four roommates, but the perks sure are nice. She has this gorgeous view of the city.

Sunday, got up and went to meet one of the previously-mentioned friends to see Magic Mike, because what else would you do at 11am on a Sunday in New York? That was also a clusterfuck! There was some problem with the projectors and they kept swapping our whole audience with the audience for Savages down the hall, and we ended up seeing the first 10 minutes of Savages (good thing there is some ass in those minutes, because we were getting RILED UP). Anyway, eventually Magic Mike came on, and I'm pretty sure my friend got her money back after the fact. But all that meant that I didn't have time for brunching, so I just got back on the bus and came home.

So that was a nice few days off, although now I wish I had taken a full week. But whatever, I'll take a least one day for moving, and more days in August for VEGAS.

Good times.

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