Mar 03, 2007 19:00
I was talking to somebody about something, don't remember, and I sat down and wrote this in first block.
My mind, my perspective is the world. The world around me is simply (well not really simply) a product of how my mind has processed neutral objects and information. A box is a box, but what is that box TO ME? What signifigance does it bear to me? Reality is NOT solid, definite, or unwavering. People seem to give this definition to reality. If you see something, but others don't, you are hallucinating. But you're still perceiving it to be true and existant. If you're feeling an emotion, but others aren't, are you imagining it? This is the key!! Through perceiving reality though the perspective, the lens of your mind (feelings, opinions etc), imagination becomes reality, and reality is just imagination.
I look to my left, and I see a girl I don't like. Somebody else likes her. What she has in common with two peoples' perception of her is that she is a girl. That is one reality. The solid, unwavering reality. But my perception of her is my reality. There are two kinds of reality. The shared reality of a group of people, and the individual realities of 6 billion individuals, isolated or overlapping like a thousand Ven diagram bubbles to distinguish or combine multiple realities to become a shared reality. If I hold a notion to be true, but you don't understand it or accept it, is it false or unreal?
No. If you like that color, but I don't, does it make a bad color? I PERCEIVE it to be bad, but I know it may be otherwise in your reality. That is why it is our individual realities, not shared. But it's still a reality.
Reality is simply what I hold to be true. What YOU hold to be truth. What WE hold to be true, even when these realities contradict each other. That's all there is to it, I think.