Feb 07, 2003 01:33
wow i've never used the subject box before, or yet, or whatever. seems kinda useless to me, especially since none of my entries really have one subject.
ah yes well 10 ways to lose a guy?....i was on crack when i said that.....how to lose a guy in 10 days. duh i knew that. yes yes. well i want to go see that tomorrow. but. if i do that it will cost what? 6 bucks? and as i said before all i have is 25 bucks in my wallet, if i go to a movie, that will leave me with 19. i want to buy my dad a decent present. come on now. i don't know. i'll probably not go tomorrow. i can always go next weekend.
today was not a good day. i felt like shit all day. i feel like shit now, but not so much as i did earlier. hopefully tomorrow i'll be in a good mood. It will be Friday after all. That's always a reason to be in a good mood right?
Today i didn't run.....or walk.....i don't know how long i'll be able to keep this up...i hate running so fucking much. i think my mom is going to add me to her gym membership. gotta exercise somehow. and i don't think running is going to cut it, considering, i'd rather die than run everyday. geez i never realized how much swimming benefited me. i suppose i'll go back in the summer, after i'm out of high school and have more time to have my life consumed with chlorine and speedos. maybe i'll join a different team. since this one went down the toilet when they fired coach C and several people worth talking to either quit or got moved up to gold and i fucking didn't because coach b is an idiot and i suck. i wish i didn't suck, i would like to swim in college, but unfortunately so i don't even think i'm good enough to do that. i've been swimming for seven years and it doesn't even get me into college swimming. WTF? am i that much of an athletic loser? anyway yeah a different team sounds like a good idea. this new coach is a wuss. and i pretty much have begun to hate this team. i dont know if i would like another team much better, maybe it's actually the swimming that i hate? i dont really know. i think i still like swimming, just not so much as i used to. maybe i just need a break for a while. if i decide to go back, which i would like to do, it's going to be very fucking painful to get back in shape, especially if i go back in the summer when double and three hour practices start. yep. thats a way to start exercising again. just go straight into 20 hours of working out a week. ah well it'll be great fun.
wow it's already 1, i should probably go to bed, but really i'm not the least bit tired. you know this porn advertising i get in my aol mail every fucking day is beginning to piss me off. man rap is shit. i can't believe i ever actually enjoyed listening to rap. nelly's airforce one is on the radio right now and i really am getting the urge to shoot at it. speaking of shooting, i need to learn how to shoot. my dad said he would teach me last summer, and did he? no. i want a gun damnit. ha that would probably scare the shit out of a few of my friends. scaring people is enjoyable. i was talking to one of my friends a while ago and the subject of my dad owning several guns came up. she totally freaked out. ' oh we don't have any guns in our house'. how retarded is that? i mean what if someone breaks into your house (which actually they did) with a gun? eh? you need to be able to defend yourself. somebody in your house atleast needs a gun. someone did actually break into this girls house, into her bedroom actually, she wasn't home fortunatly, but seriously, i would feel much safer knowing i had a gun under my bed. she doesn't even have a dog. she's going to move out in a year. and she'll have no gun, no dog, no pepper spray. i would never live alone without some form of defense. like a gun. guns are cool. or atleast a big scary dog. which i also have. my sweet little puppy. she could certainly murder someone if she pleased. everyone is afraid of my dog. i like that.
well i think i've rambled on quite long enough. i wasn't very good about my punctuation and grammar, this is probably an english teachers nighmare. usually i like to be all capitilized and punctuated. oh well, i'm lazy. so sue me. later folks.