Jun 07, 2008 22:52
Hi all! Friday the 6th was Graduation for the preschool classes (the one I taught and the other preschool class). Starting Monday, I'll be in a new class for the Summer! I'll be in the Advanced Nursery. The babies that are in there right now are maybe 1ish and 2ish. Dont know if thats where I'll be when the next school year starts this year, but I don't want to teach a 4 yr. old (preschool) class again right now.
And when I'm in the Adv. Nursery, there is another lady who teaches in there, so I won't be the only teacher in the class! :)
If think once the school year starts again this year, the babies that are in the Adv. Nur. will go to the 2yr. old class (ex. for one girl that might stay). Then maybe some of the babies that are in the baby nursery will move up to the Adv. Nur. and I dunno if theres some on the waiting list to come in, ...................
Graduation went good. :)
Jess & I went to Hardee's for dinner after we left the school, and then we went to Walmart. :)
Oh, and I also got a few gifts. :) One of the little girls in the class I taught gave me a box of chocolates & an African Violet. And one of the little boy's (in the class I taught) mom gave me a few Mary Kay things. :) Aw!!
God Bless!!!