Mar 05, 2005 22:38
gar - i desperately want to change my LJ username, but i cant think of anything to change it to..>_<
And Yunalesca narrowly avoided death today. She had 1000 HP left, and then, it was her turn, and she killed Yuna, and so i had no more zombies, so when she used Mega-Death, I died. Then I threw things and died a little in the inside. Damn her. >_< I will not give up though. I'll probably end up beating her sometime this morning, like, 3ish, then i'll scream and wake up my parents and then I'll tell them it was a spider. Then I can finally get to FF7. In about 5 days I should have 8 as well. w00t! But Pea doesnt get to borrow it anymore. Bitch. ::glares and mumbles obscenities:: I can't fucking believe you. >_< GAR!! HATE!!!
I saw Man on Fire today. It was really good. I cried. Duh.
So yesterday Naomi came over. Twas fun. We dressed up crazy and watched Dir En Grey concerts and scared the hell out of my sister and neighboor. Then we ate food and watched Spiral.
My sister tried to convince me that, in a fight, rap would kick J-Rock's ass. I told her she failed at everything then hit her over the head with my clipboard. Then, she started yelling at my dad and asked him to tell me that he'd rather listen to rap than J-Rock, and he just looked at her and was like "Uhhh, Kel, I hate rap. I'd really, really rather listen to Jessie's Japanese stuff." Then I laughed at her and hkilled her. Not really.
But I wanted to.