Jul 27, 2006 21:34
1. What time is it ? 9:34 PM
2. What's your full name? Jessica Maree Smith
3. What are you most afraid of ? rejection
4. What is the most recent movie that you have seen in a cinema? Take the lead - I don't have alot of spare $$ :(
5. Place of birth? Westmead, NSW, Australia
6. Favourite food? Anything someone has cooked for me, Baked Dinners, Cheesecake, Strawberry milkshakes, Cheese and Bacon rolls *shakes fist at Baker Delight* Chocolate!!!!!!!
7. What's your natural hair colour? brown
8. Who is the last person you spoke to on the phone? Jenni! ( the other girl in my pic)
9. Ever been toilet papering nope - I think thats an American thing.. maybe just a dumb thing.. maybe both...
10. Ever Loved someone so much it made you cry? Constantly
11. Been in a car accident? No actually..
12. Croutons or bacon bits? both! and lots!
13. Favourite day of the week? Sunday
14. Favourite Restaurant? Hmmm - I loved Ghengis Khan.. But any restaurant can be nice if you are being taken there....
15. Favourite flower? Tulips and Orchids
17. Favourite Drink? fresh OJ, Peppermint Tea, Red wine
18. Favourite ice cream? Pepermint choc chip or Cookie Dough
19. Disney or Warner bros? Disney.. just
20. Favourite fast food restaurant? Domino's!
21. What colour is your bedroom carpet? I have a wooden floor with a green rug
22. How many times you failed your driver's test? A few... who writes these tests anyway?!?!
23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? That wan't SPAM?
24. What do you do most often when you are bored? Fill out these things
25. Bedtime? anywhere betweeen 10:30 and 12:30
26. Who will respond to this e-mail the quickest? this is not an email....
27. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? I repeat... this is NOT an Email
28. Who is the person you are most curious to see their responses? ARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
29. Favourite TV shows? Friends, Alias, House, ABC reality
30. What are you listening to right now? Dave walking up the hall..
31. What's your favourite colour? Green
32. How many tattoos do you have? 4
34. How many pets do you have? 3 Fish - Rex, Bruiser and MJ
35. What would you like to accomplish/do before you die? finish my to do list examples in top 10 - Memorises 50 of my favourite bible verses, See dawn at ANZAC Cove on April 25, Play the Violin
36. How many people are you sending this e-mail to? none at all