A Kiwi, A Job search and a pair of suede cow-print chaps

Apr 22, 2006 12:15

such a strange month has passed - there have been exhilarating highs and crushing lows...

* I didn't get into nursing
* I quit my Job
* Keri came to visit
* Went Grass Karting
* Ate Roast Lamb, Satay Chicken and Dave's Awesome Chili Prawns
* 80's gig (www.80sflashback.com.au) with Keri
* Jumped a 4m freefall into a freezing cold canyon then abseiled over a 30m waterfall
* Keri flew home
* Job search begins
* Nick's 21st tonight ( themed to go as "my hero" I am going as Jessie from Toy Story 2)

and what is keeping me sane ?

Proverbs 16:9
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