Jan 08, 2005 17:00
so yesterday at school it wasnt really n e thing special. in gym we played speedball. KILL i am a very good goalie though if i do say so myself. whenever steve would come down the the gym id like freak out bc he would always try and hurt me when he would try and score. but the end score was like 6-4 my team. so it was ok. haha during b and h period i started on the sashes for mr mhs. haha i love makin these. and then during e period we were supposed to b reading some weird thing, and then tyler started to attempt to sing....not a pretty site.... 'k-i-s-s me' me and elly would just start to crack up!!! and then get yelled at, and CRACK UP again. lol and during math, i got all my hw done bc i dont site near anyone anymore. so i have more concentration. haha and then elly came over in panic when jared messed up her bow. haha i hada fix it, and i liked how it came out if i do say so myself. haha. and then i went to my nanas house after school and then to my game. only cheered the first half, knee started to hurt bc stupid me fell right on my ass after my wonderful jump. haha the jump was soo good too!! hahaha. and then i stayed for like not even half the varsity game, called mom to come and get me. lol. and when me and bri were waitin outside, pat feeney was out there, and he like tripped and fell. haha it was kinda funny. lol. and then thats about it. today i went to walmart wit momma and i got 2 knew belts and they are pretty cute. haha.....LaTeRr gaTeRrs