Sep 30, 2006 16:10
I had an interesting reading by my "favorite" psychic. All I have to do is change my beliefs about myself fundamentally, and I won't have to repeat the sometimes painful garbage that I have been accepting as the way I am. I have been exploring the concept of unconditional love for many years, and have yet to grasp it fully, as I discover more and more the subtle and overt conditions I place on love. Much food for thought there. She also said my business partners and I shouldn't go with the space we've been looking at, and that 3 better options will come up.
I'm working with a concept given me by my counselor to work with of "I love me, Thank you for _(challenge)_. I love you." It does diffuse reaction for me.
It's time for housecleaning. Mabon ritual included letting go of that which doesn't serve, and I have been literally cleaning out my home, rearranging and getting new stuff such as art that I really like.
I need to prepare myself for the inevitable struggle of returning to the doctoral program full time in November and actually having to work hard to finish. Its four 5-month trimesters scheduled to finish in June '08.
I want to finish the J3A this next class.
I want to be a good partner, friend, Daddy, mentor and doctor.
I want a cat, which means I have to move. I like moving,and have been in the same place for 5 years, and in SD for over 9 years, which is 5 years longer than I planned.
I have good friends, family and support.
I am blessed.