I'm really bored!

Dec 27, 2005 19:04

2005 stupid quiz. I hate these things but i really am bored!

[P E O P L E]
1. Best friends? All my friends!
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? Urrrr N/A?
3. Lost any friends? Nope
4. Gained any friends? Yep lots of cool new people at uni!
5. Met a new good friend? Yep, as above

[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? Yar, prague, vienna, Ireland and Turkey. Think thats about it!
2. Moved? Yep, to Birmingham, and back
3. New school? New uni?
4. How many times on an airplane? six
5. Road trips? Ummm oxford (was that this year or last?!) Brighton in the summer

[Y O U]
1. Have you changed? Nah not really
2. New look? Nope, just put on weight at uni!
3. Any new additions? no!
4. Biggest conflict this year? Don't think I have had any conflicts this year

5. Most depressed time this year? No idea, exam time was pretty stressful but I wouldnt say depressed

[L O V E]
1. Did you fall in love? No
2. Did you get heartbroken? Yep
3. Who was your summer love? Ummm...
4. How many boyfriends/girlfriends this year? None I guess :(
5. Favorite date? Don't have one, again :(

[S E A S O N S]

1. Favorite Season? Summer.
2. Least favorite season? spring, exams argh!

3. Good birthday? Yep was fantastic, second week at uni!
4. Any snow this year? Today, and in November in brum
5. Highest temperature? Turkey!

[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]

Snuck out - Lol no

Met a person who will change your life - Not that I know of
Kept your resolution - Dont think I made any. Actually me and emma made some the year before last not sure if we did them again!

Got arrested - Sadly no, although apparently came close in Turkey...
Had a first something- First day at uni?
Drank Alcohol - me? drink? never
Smoked weed/drugs - Nope
Did anything illegal- Not that I can think of tbh as ive been 18 all year

Kissed a boy/girl - Yep
Had a crush- not particularly
Liked someone who didn't like you - Jude law?
Lost a family member - Nope
Got bad grades - Actually, no

Suspended - haha no
Got a myspace - Never! Although ive laughed at alot
Started a band - No

Spent over 1 million dollars - I wish
Went streaking - Nope, although saw bradley s club doing it!
Done something you shouldn't have - Most likely
Kept a secret - not sure
Told a secret - probably
Done something you totally regret - Ummm not that I can think of
Changed your view on things - Haha I never change my views
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