(no subject)

Nov 20, 2005 20:42

Thought i'd update as haven't done in a while and im waiting for Notting Hill to start at 9, fun life!

Uni is a bit sucky at the moment because ive got so much work to do, 6 essays due in on the 5th December and i've barely made a dent in them! Shit! I always seem to find something to distract me from doing them though, last night I managed to spend the whole night looking at hoidays on the internet rather than doing work. I'm still thinking about starting a new course next year because my course really is crappy, and doesnt really look like its going to get much better next year. You can do russian studies and political science which I thought looked really interesting but its a 4 year course which means if i finish this year and start again I'd be at uni for 5 years, cant even imagine the amount of debt i'd be in! Also looking at polsis and anthropology which looks fun but still not sure, I'll probably end up sticking with my course.

Havent been out much this week, went to the pub on Wednesday and then to snobs which is the local indie club, apparently Franz Ferdinand were there but we didnt see them. Danced to all american rejects! Brilliant. Thursday went to the 12.01 showing of Harry Potter, was good but they cut out sooo much which annoyed me! The whole cinema was filled with students, was a weird sight.

Going home for Andys birthday last weekend was really fun, came back to uni feeling really homesick, only to find that everyone had decided we were going to have the dreaded "next year" talk. It was ok though and we decided that the 8 of us that want to live together cant really and we managed to split into two 4s without arguing, so all is good! Gonna start looking at houses soon, i'm really excited! I can't wait to have a living room again, I miss the sofa!

We now have the second series of the OC, good distraction from writing essays! I finsihed all the office episodes today, so funny.

Hope everyone is ok, sorry this has been very boring! See you all at Christmas!

Also, does anyone want to go away for a few days after xmas and before new year? Like from the 27th to 20th December. Maybe even just to somewhere in England? Would be nice.
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