Mar 20, 2005 19:20
This has possibly been the most tiring weekend i've had for aslong as I can remember. Friday after Daves I got about 3 hours sleep, last night got home about 1 and had to get up at 8.30 for work, then had work all day and now am going out to the cinema and probably wont b home until gone 12. Havent stopped all weekend! Oh and forgot our picnic on Saturday, this weather in March cant be right!
Its been alot of fun though. Daves was really anjoyable, thank u dave! And Susies last night was alot of fun too, its cool hanging out with different ppl sometimes and we seem to have this little waitrose posse going now which makes me laugh.
Happy Birthday Katie! Me and Tom decided at lunch today to see what random things we could find Kt for her birthday, well it was more me that decided, but sadly Tom wouldnt let me buy them. Amongst them were "lunch tongue", "light spam" and some other thing that looked like squashed up brain, I have no idea what it was but it was truly disgusting!
Break up from school on Wednesday, yey! Though I have got 3 essays and two short answers to write by tuesday, haha! not gonna happen seeing as I have work after school tomorrow. Woops! Maybe I wont go to leeds on Wednesday coz that will give me and extra day.
So, whats happening next weekend then? I propose town on Friday so I can get drunk on my bonus! wooo!