Hi. This is
corinn, Jess's partner-in-crime friend. I set up the LJ for her. =D
This was GOING to be a biiiig intro to LJ for Jess. All the "this is an eljay cut" and "this is how you type a link to another person's eljay." But LJ ATE IT. PFWUH!
Anyway, this is mostly a placeholder. Jess may or may not delete it. *wonders if she will* Really, it's so she can see what I did with the overrides for colors and such. So, yeah. >.>;;;
(Look, Jess, KITTIES!) *set Purple Kitty mood theme cos has NO CLUE how to put in the FMA mood theme*
I'll shut up now.
Everyone, give Jess a warm eljay welcome! May she join our crackdom with joy!