Last Thursday it snowed in Jerusalem and today it is beautiful and feels like spring. I went to Akko with a friend last weekend. We took the train from Tel Aviv to Akko and it was a gorgeous ride. Being in the old city doesn’t feel like Israel, it feels like you have left to a Muslim country. It’s small and pretty but not a ton to do especially while there is torrential rain outside. The friend I went with is orthodox-ish so we went searching for a Friday night service but hadn’t don research so we eventually got directions to/found a Chabad shul and were too late for services (probably a good thing for me) but we got invited to and stayed for dinner. More awkward for him than me because the women were very nice and I got to practice my Hebrew but he didn’t speak any Hebrew and the men kept asking him to sing a song or talk about Torah or something. Oh well. It took us 3 ½ hours to get home on Saturday night we got on the train at the second stop and it was already packed probably because it was the first one to run.
Yesterday was Persian new years and my favorite roommate is Persian so we had a party. We set the fire alarm of 3 times in the process of cooking all the food. When you set off the fire alarm in your apartment the whole building goes off and then at some point within the next hour a security guard with an Uzi knocks on your door to make sure everything is ok it’s funny. He only came the first time though. A lot of people came for the dinner and it was nice. This weekend I am going on a shabbaton with HUC to kibbutz Yahel one of 2 reform kibbutzim in Israel. Next week we have midterms and Thursday we leave for the sea-to-sea hike and then it’s Pesach and then my family comes! I got to see a friend from Seattle this week and it was really nice to see someone from home and hear funny stories about you guys =)