(no subject)

Jun 20, 2007 16:58

It seems that it's been a long time since I had anything worth reporting here.

My life since returning to the states has been uneventful in the best possible sense of the word.  The days in my little corner of Maine are slowly warming, but the nights remain cool and crisp.  I had forgotten how on a clear night, when I step outside, there is no sound anywhere but the echo of the screen door slamming and everywhere I look there are more and more stars.  I can't believe I had forgotten that.

It's not a secret to anyone that I was conflicted about breaking up my travels for the whole summer; in the end, the decision was wholly a financial one, and when I boarded the flight in Saigon it was with a sense of impending doom.  Thirty days into my stateside summer, I am happy to report that coming home- and staying home- was definitely the right thing for me.

So, in the spirit of positivity, I have been keeping a running checklist in my head of all the nice little things that I wouldn't be experiencing if I were in, say, Cambodia right now.  Being tens of thousands of miles closer to my baby nephew- check.  Snuggling up to his warm, squirmy little body last night, hearing his giggle, helping to plan his first birthday party (and actually being able to ATTEND!)- check, check, check.  The wedding that I came home for was incredible,  Natalie's grandfather Casper and I watched the US Open together, and I have spent a dizzying amount of time with my gorgeous friends in Brooklyn just because I can-  I'm that close!

Earlier this week I also spent some time with someone I used to know forever ago & didn't ever anticipate knowing again.  She was a sort of mentor to me back in my troubled teenage years and, at that time, I was very careless with her friendship.  Now it looks like she is back in my life.  Unexpected, but very, very nice.

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