Apr 25, 2006 11:00
Several months ago Josh and I decided to get rid of our cable and stick with "what the air can provide us" (Josh actually said that to the DirectTV guy when he cancelled). We felt like we didn't watch tv that much anyways, and it was $50 a month that we could save. I've really started to notice that instead of flipping through channels and getting caught up into something that we never really meant to watch, we talk to each other more and read more(we still watch Lost and our Netflix movies though). Turning your tv off during NBA playoff week may seem cruel...but it is still a good challenge! Josh and I don't get TNT anymore so we bought the radio coverage online and sit huddled around our computers listening to the Mavericks game. I don't know if that's cheating or not. All this to say - take the challenge. It's worth it to try and turn it off for a week.