Never Under Any Circumstances....

Jun 14, 2006 09:50

agree to stay in Nacogdoches with your brother until you find out if he 1. has an air-conditioner and 2. he uses it. If you think not having air-conditioning doesn't seem so bad, remember that we are in a record heat wave in Texas right now and it is as humid as DC in this area in the summer. His house was built in the 50's I'd say and has no insulation at all. There are pine boards lining every wall including the ceiling and it just soaks up the sun.

Our goal yesterday was to stay in air-conditioning as long as possible, so we piled into our car and went to eat mexican food, drove around and looked at houses, got snow cones (for the second time this trip), went bowling, checked out the lake scenic overlook and crashed at his girfriend's house until the Mavericks game was over. Which they lost. It's not in the stars for my brother and I to watch the games together it seems.
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