Dancing 1 - Reece Shearsmith/Steve Pemberton

Jun 08, 2011 21:40

Title: Dancing 1
Pairings: Reece/Steve
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1282
Summary: Dancing lessons

AN: Yeah, hello we're back again. (I'm telling you, we have sooo many to get through.) Tonight's is another from the early Wakefield years. It doesn't have to be read in any sort of order, but the others are here and here, if you want to catch up. Enjoy!

Dancing 1

By Jess and Jodie

It's not the music that grabs Reece's attention, as he's used to Mark playing the most eclectic variety of tunes at all hours of the night. So when he hears the classical waltz filter into his room from down the hall, he doesn't really think twice about it. It's only when he starts to hear Steve's voice, cursing like a right sailor, does Reece come out to see what's going on.

Steve is in the middle of their front room, holding his right foot, which looks like he just very recently stubbed it on the sofa leg. The telly's playing an old muted video of ballroom dancing, while the stereo spits out the classical accompaniment. Steve spots Reece then, eyes going wide.

"It's not what it looks like" he says quickly, reaching down to close 'Basics of Dance' which was perched on the sofa arm. "I was just, um...."

"Trying to dance?" Reece finishes, because Steve has trailed off and is now just standing there looking embarrassed. He glances up to look at Reece, his face a mixture of shame and panic.

"Well, yes, umm, I mean. Janet said she liked dancing and I said I did too, so we're supposed to go out but I really don't now how" he finishes with a pathetic sort of sigh. Reece has never seen him like that before and it's probably the saddest thing he's ever seen. He tells himself later that's why he agrees to do what comes out of his mouth next.

"Oh come off it, let me help" he tells his helpless looking flatmate, coming round the sofa to turn off the telly and stand in front of Steve. "I'm quite good, as luck should have it."

Steve looks like he's about to protest and insist he's fine, but Reece just lifts one eyebrow and Steve shuts his mouth. They move the coffee table to one side, to free up some more room. Half of Reece is wondering why he's going through all the trouble to help Steve out, especially when it's Janet who he's doing it for. It's not that Reece doesn't like her, it's more of that's not who he ever pictured Steve with. Not that he's pictured him with anyone like that, it's just that Janet seemed all wrong.

"Let's start with a simple waltz, okay" Reece tells him, coming to stand in front of him. "I'll be the woman, and no comments on that, okay?" Steve just smiles, and so does Reece. They're close, and Reece picks up Steve's right hand and sets it on his waist. It feels heavy there, much more than it should Reece thinks, as he grabs Steve's left hand in his. He places his other on Steve's arm.

"First, put your right foot forward" Reece instructs him, moving his left back as well. "Good. Now bring your left forward, but at an angle, 45 degrees." Steve's staring down at his feet, as if he can make then get the moves just by sheer force of will.

"See your a-level in maths is paying off" Steve says, still looking down, and Reece smacks his arm.

"Quiet or I stop" Reece replies, so Steve just slyly grins instead. "Right now bring your right over to meet your left. Good and you're half way done." Steve looks pleased at this, which makes Reece laugh. "You've still got the other half, you know."

"Yeah but least I got half" Steve says, eyes bright with excitement. "Maybe Janet won't even be able to tell."

Reece can feel his lip curl slightly as her name is mentioned and he prays that Steve doesn't notice it. "She might catch on when you can only move forward though" Reece tells him, tilting his head slightly. Steve just nods and mumbles something about 'alright' and 'of course', so Reece knows Steve agrees with him.

"The second part is easy, just a reverse of the first. Left foot goes back here" Reece shows him, moving his right forward to guide Steve. "Your right goes back at the angle, then left over to come together."

Steve does it, albeit a bit ungracefully, but he still looks extremely chuffed when he does. "Yes that was good. I'll buy you a badge if you can do it again, though." Their eyes meet then, and Reece swears he can feel Steve pull him closer. He feels like he should say something, but he's genuinely unsure of what would come out if he tried. Steve moves then, repeating his steps from before, so Reece doesn't say anything. He lets Steve lead him round the small space as he learns the moves. Soon enough, they're spinning along too and laughing as they try not to knock over every item in the front room. Steve steps on Reece's feet twice, both times earning him a glare but Steve keeps going and Reece doesn't stop him. It's strangely nice this, moving in time with Steve.

After awhile, the music stops and they both slowly come to a stop. They're definitely closer than they were when they started, with Reece's chest just pressing against Steve's. His hand has moved from Reece's waist to curl around his back, and Reece can feel his fingers move through his jumper. He looks up to find Steve staring at him, as he unconsciously moves his head up more. Steve's moving his down and Reece is sure he isn't breathing because his brain is screaming at what's about to occur. Just a few more inches……

"Hello! Anyone home?" Marks voice rings out too loud as the front door slams shut. Reece and Steve quickly break apart, very noticeably adverting their gazes when Mark walks in.

"What's all this?" he asks, motioning to the misplaced table and scattering of knocked off items. His hands are full of take out boxes, so he makes his way to the kitchen. Steve begins to pull the table back into place, so Reece helps him, smiling up at him when it's moved. Steve smiles back and they both know the moment, whatever it was, has passed.

"Reece was showing me how to dance" Steve tells Mark, and Mark laughs at that, but Steve continues. "Janet and I are going dancing tonight, so Reece agreed to help."

"Oh did he? How nice." Mark's eyes meets Reece's and Reece can feel them burning through him. It's making him feel weird, not just that but everything. He excuses himself to his room, claiming a headache, and only lets out the breath he's been holding when his door shuts behind him.

Later, he can hear Steve go out for the evening, and decides then that alcohol is what is needed in this situation. Persuading Mark to go out isn't hard, so they do just that, starting at the pub then moving to the local disco. It all melts into a haze for Reece, the booze and the lights and the music. He tells himself not to think of earlier, of Steve's strong hand on his waist and his breath so close. It just makes him drink more. He finally stumbles back to the flat around 3am, alone, Mark having found someone somewhere along the way to go home with. Good for him, Reece thinks, then wonders if Steve is alone too. He knows he shouldn't but he can't stop himself from cracking Steve's door to peek inside. Just Steve, curled up on his side. Reece can't help but feel a smug sense of satisfaction over this, which he knows is wrong. Bet I was a better dancer than her, Reece tells himself as he finds his bed. He closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

steve pemberton, reece shearsmith, reece/steve

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