Jul 16, 2006 21:42

The weather that we've been having is what I dub "the dog days of summer". It's so hot that the unstrenuous act of emptying the litter box has me bathed in a layer of sweat and perspiration drip drip drips continuously from my forehead.

The cats seem to be managing okay. They're the ones that I worry most during these types of days, especially Puddy. She was laying flat as a pancake under the futon when I got back from seeing Kathy, so I figure she's all right. I hope she won't give me too much trouble during medicine time.

I spent the day at my parents yesterday and after brunch, I crashed hard for a nap. I went to the basement, the coolest area of the house. I grabbed a blanket and a pillow, cocooned myself, and laid down. I remember talking to Jon and then...nothing. Then dreams, crazy dreams. Seem to be having a lot of those lately. I woke up three hours later, which was incredible to me. And I slept great.

I can bear with the heat until it's time to sleep. And that's pretty much the only time that I wish I had air conditioning, during these dog days of summer. I love sleeping when it's cold, and I sleep a lot better when it is.

Anyway, this weekend has been good. I had a really great time hanging out with Kathy today. I don't know what it is about her, but we just genuinely connect. It's too bad that she and I never hung out on our own until now, but I'm really glad that we are.

More details later...

napping, heatwave, pt, lucretia

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