Sep 03, 2002 11:06
It's weird being back after not having to work for a few days. I ended up taking Friday off, which was really nice. Got up to wake RJ up for class (he broke his Ultraman alarm clock and hasn't gotten it fixed) then went back to bed. Got up at 11. I haven't done that for a long time.
I took my time packing and still ended up leaving a couple of things behind. Whoops. Picked up Eric and he was still packing himself. We are procrastinators at heart. Ended up leaving at 4 PM, which sucked because it was in the middle of rush hour on a holiday weekend. Ended up taking back roads for a while.
The drive up was nice. I've never had a car with cruise control before, so I was totally digging this new (to me anyway) functionality. I can't believe how useful it is! Wow! And the weather was beautiful. When we got there (Door County), it was already dark, so we quickly set up and left to get firewood and food (Eric hadn't bought supplies that he needed). Jenn wasn't there yet and Jason had bailed from the weekend, as we had suspected he would.
Anyway, by the time we got back, it was late and Jenn was there. We had dinner and got ready for bed. A park ranger had yelled at us for being too loud (quiet hours begin at 11 PM), which was unpleasant. We got yelled at a bunch of times last year, and we got yelled at that one time, so we were better this year. We're also 2 people shorter this year, which helps I suppose.
Saturday we drove through the peninsula and visited some shops and stuff. Did a bit of the tourist thing. Got some goodies, like pumpkin butter. I love apple butter, so I had to try some of this stuff. It's yummy, let me tell you. We also stopped at Peninsula State Park (we were staying at Potawatomi State Park) to see what the hype was all about. Anytime anyone mentions Door County and camping, this is the only park mentioned, like there aren't any other parks available or something.
Sunday, Eric and I went hiking. Had a great time and a really good hike. Went back to pick up Jenn and we went to Whitefish Dunes for some swimming. I didn't swim (tired and cut the skin on my ankle) and Eric went on another hike.
Monday morning 2:30 AM, the thunderstorms hit. We were prepared this time, so we slept through it. Got up, went out for breakfast at the Pudgy Seagull (I love that name) while the tents dried, got back, packed up, and left.
Took a different way home and Eric drove this time. Top gas mileage reached was 54 miles per gallon. Sweet.
Addendum: I was going to Houghton this weekend and had to switch plans due to shortage of funds. Doh. Will be making it up there as soon as possible. On a sad note, Eric found out his Grandma Ellerman had another stroke. He will be making a trip home to visit, in case she doesn't make it. I offered to go with him, in case he needs company or moral support or whatever. I hope he is okay, because I know if it were my grandma, I would be devastated.
voot cruiser