Jul 22, 2004 20:18
I didnt sleep At All Last Night... Then I went to court this morning... and they had to drop my charges, becuase they had no case... The Cop that arrested me didnt show up.. So They had Absolutly Nothing... Then I came home... Took another Shower... Leanne, Brittany, and Caitlin came over.. Then they went to Caitlins house to get dressed and everything... and I got dressed and ready here.. Then they picked me up... and we went to Joe Cummings house... We Played strip poker with Hayford, Kc, Klink, and Cummings... Basically.. They beat the shit outta the girls... Brittany was in a thong and wrapped in a towel...Leanne was the same.. Caitlin was in a tank top... and I had no top... But I was good enough to keep my pants... So We Chilled there for a little while... Then drove around and sang really loud and acted like idots... Then we went to Caitlins and Jessica Otriz came over.. and Leanne picked up Beth.... Then Me, Leanne, and Britt went to my moms work to talk to her and to make fun of Corey and Alex... Then they dropped me of at home.. and I think caitlin and Brittney are coming back around 10 and sleeping over... Then Tomorrow Me and Leanne are going to get our checks... And Who knows What... Im gettin my OLD cell phone turned back on Tomorrow.. but Im not sure If Im gunna be able to keep thee number I had... So I'll Let you know when I find out!... Travais still HATES me =(... I wanted to go see him at work today... but I didnt... So Basically now Im just chillen... Waiting for my Mom and everyone to get home to find out whats going on tonite.... Thats About It Playahss... Ill probably update again later with Brittney and Caitlin!...
*MaKe A WiSh BaYbEe*