What is it, Tuesday, and some ass-hat governor has already found another way to make this country look like the trailor park of the world? Between the hunting accidents and the fundamentalist Bible humping that's been going on lately, American politics, as I see it, is starting to resemble Owosso, MI more and more every week. Oh yeah, you know what I mean.
I was lying in bed last night, and for the life of me I couldn't get to sleep. I was feeling dizzy (note: I was dizzy whilst lying down...yes, I was scared) and a little qweezy in the tummy. I tried going over all the things I ate that day....hurrm, maybe I'm allergic to jalapenos.
Then it came to me... Oh, I know why I want to throw up and die! The Governor of South Dakota wants control over his female constituency's uteruses! Isn't that fucking sick??? Don't you just wanna rip his fucking balls off???
I don't consider myself an extremely militant feminist, but if this dude ever crosses my path in a dark alley, I will, I REPEAT, will rip his balls off and stomp on them, relentlessly. If he thinks he can take away a woman's right to terminate a pregnancy, why can't I take it upon myself to terminate his baby makers? I mean, I have just as much right over his body as he has over women's bodies in South Dakota, don't I?
What I can't get over is this, in pre-Roe v. Wade, THOUSANDS of women risked imprisonment and death so they could terminate their pregnancies. And THOUSANDS died as a result! Illegalizing abortion now is basically saying you're all for female genocide. Face it! South Dakota and every other "pro-lifer" basically thinks you deserve to die if you have sex but don't want the baby that accidentally comes with it.
I have about 12.5 other reasons, from the news today alone, that contribute to my anger. Here's a tip for every other angry person out there: the only way I got some sleep last night was to write a letter to the Governor of South Dakota. It was about 3am when I wrote it. I hope I spelled things right. Anyway, YOU can write a letter too if you go
here. I don't know if he'll ever read it. I wish I could've told him his balls were in jeopardy if he didn't reverse the ban, but I just came up with that.