The trip was okay. I still think it was unnecessary, and I can't say I learned anything I didn't already know, but I suppose it was a good thing to get away for a while. I was able to squeeze in a quick visit to my parents on the way back, and I picked up a new matreshka for my collection. The collection is going to have to take up residence in a box pretty soon if I get many more; my windowsill is full.
I got back to base to find my infirmary full as well; there seems to be a nasty stomach virus going around and a few of the guys were taking some wacky vitamins that promote severe withdrawal symptoms. My assistant was absolutely crazed. Nobody's been that glad to see me in a long time. We're down to five patients this morning. Hopefully, the worst is over.
I'm looking forward to the next self-defense class. I was thinking that
the instructor looked really familiar, and I've realized where I saw her before. She was here, on base, in one of those top-secret meetings. Interesting. I've got to figure out a way to get her to talk to me.