(no subject)

Jun 16, 2005 18:21

1. What time did you start this survey?: 4:22 pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate?: Jessica Anne Thorson
3. Also known as?: Jess, Jessy, Thorsianzo, Jesserita, Jessticles
4. Sex?: Female
5. What is your screen name?: Jess3022
6. What does it mean?: my name and b-day only with an 0 in the middle
7. Last Name You Want in the Future?: Murray or Gosling ;) haha
8. How old are you?: 16
9. Age You Want to Be: 18
10. Age You Want to Marry?: 24
11. When is your birthday?: March 22nd
12. Where were you born?: LaCrosse
14. Parents?: Lisa and Larry
15. Pets?: 2 dogs--shadow and shelby
16. Hair color: like a dirty blonde..ish lol
17. What color you wish it was?: like a light brown..chestnut sorta brown
18. Eye color?: blue
19. What color you wish they were?: i think them blue
20. Describe what you look like?: i think i just did?
22. Zodiac sign?: Aries
23. Current Residence?: dads house
24. School?: Holmen High

25. Who You'd Want to be With (2 Max)?: Katie & Trevor probably
26. What Would Your One Food Be?: ice cream
27. One item you would want?: A boat..to get off the island :) lol
28. How You'd Get Off the Island?: My boat that i brought with

29. Do you have some annoying nervous habit?: i dont sit still
30. Do you bite your nails?: yes..ughh
31. Do you pick your nose?: no..kleenex all the way! ha
32. Are you double jointed?: not that i know of
33. Can you roll your tongue?: yes
34. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: nope
35. Can you blow smoke rings?: i dont smoke thank you :)
36. Can you blow spit bubbles?: nope
37. Can you do splits?: not quite
38. Can you flare your nostrils?: yea
39. Can you cross your eyes?: yea..and shake 'em!
40. Any tattoos and where of what?: nope
41. Piercings and where?: ears

42. Do you make your bed daily?: pshh no
43 Have you ever turned your clothes inside-out?: all the time
44. Do you do the laundry?: no
45. Do you clean your house?: when i have to

46. Girls - what goes on first, bra or underwear?: underwear
47. Which shoe goes on first?: i dont pay that much attention
49. On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: $1 :) lol
50. What jewelry do you wear?: earrings..necklaces..and bracelets
51. Girls -what's sexy on a guy?: cut off or polo shirts and necklaces (like the beach kind)
52.Favorite Piece of Clothing?: jeans
53.Favorite piece of jewelry?: earrings

54. Do you ever lie?: sometimes
55. Have you ever cheated on a quiz or a test?: yea
56. Have you ever successfully snuck into a movie?: no

57. How do you eat an OREO?: pull it apart and eat it
59. Have you ever eaten Spam?: nope..i dont think i ever will
60. Do you wait for the ice cream to thaw or attack?: attack lol
61. What is your favorite flavor?: sherbet..chocolate chip cookie dough
62. Do you skip meals?: yeah in the summer i tend to do it a lot more
63. How many cereals in your cabinet?: like 4
64. What's your favorite beverage?: kool aid
65. What's your favorite restaurant?: applebees..or anything chinese
66. What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: my hands
67. Do you cook?: sometimes

68. How do you brush your teeth?: back and forth, up and down
69. How often do you shower/bathe?: everyday
70. how long does it take you to bathe?: im in the shower for like 15-20 mins
71. Do you dry your hair with the blower or natural air?: mostly blowdry
72. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yeah
73. If that fountain of youth existed, would you drink from it?: no
74.Do you paint your nails?: toenails
75. Girls-do you shave in the shower or electronically?: shower
76. Would you rather be 50 lbs. or have herpes?: 50 pounds

77. Do you have allergies?: no
78. How many cavities?: like 2 i think
79. Ever broken a bone?: nope

80. Do you swear?: sometimes
81. Do you ever spit?: when i brush my teeth
82. Guys -have you ever opened the door for a girl?:

83. Actor?: Adam Sandler
84. Animal?: cat
85. Food?: ice cream
86. Time to eat?: whenever im hungry
87. Month?: june/july
88. Favorite Day?: friday
89. Favorite Cartoon?: scooby doo
90. Favorite Flower?: lilacs
91. Favorite Place to Have a Sleepover in Your House?: Downstairs
92. Favorite Shoe Brand?: dont care
93. Favorite Subject in school?: english
94. Favorite color?: pink
95. Favorite song?: You and Me-Lifehouse
96. Favorite concert ever?: goona be RASCAL FLATTS!! woop woop!
97. Favorite Group/Singer?: Rascal Flatts
99. Favorite body part on/in you?: my eyes..is that a body part..?
100. Favorite body part on the opp. sex?: abdominal area lol
101. Favorite TV show?: boy meets world & dawsons creek
102. Favorite Movie?: remember the titans
103. Favorite Holiday?: christmas
104. Favorite Part Of Newspaper?: i dont read it..just to see movie times
105. toothpaste?: Crest
106. Favorite Store?: AE
107. Favorite Toy?: i dont play with toys any more
108. Favorite Book?: who knows
109. Favorite Vacationing Spot?: las vegas
110. Favorite thing to do in Spring?: have fun
111. Favorite Thing To Do In The summer?: lay outside..go to the beach..swim
112. Favorite Thing To Do In The Fall?: jump in the leaves
113. Favorite Thing To Do In The Winter?: watch movies with a boy
114. Favorite Perfume or Cologne?: clinique
115. Favorite TV Station?: CC106.3 & Z93
116. Favorite Model (Male or Female)?: tyra banks? i dunno
117. Favorite Game?: ..dunno..
118. Favorite Neighbor?: old neighborhood..probably hoza

119. Have you ever played in a band?: holmen high lol
120. Are you more afraid of spiders or snakes?: snakes
121. Straight, bi or gay?: straight
122. Do you reuse wrapping paper?: no
123. Person you talk most on the phone with?: trevor
136. Do you snore?: no
137. Do you sleepwalk?: no
138. Do you talk in your sleep?: dont think so?
139. Do you get thirsty at night?: sometimes
140. Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: no
141. How about with the light on?: no
142. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: yes..sometimes..radio
143. Have you ever had that falling dream?: nope

144. What is the nicest thing a guy could do for you?: tell me how special i am and how much i mean to him :)
145. What do you look for in a guy?: personality & smile
146. What is the first thing you notice when you look at a guy?: smile & eyes
147. What do you think of cheating?: horrible
148. Makeup should we have to wear it or not?: i like wearing it..but for guys no? lol
149. Women presidents should we have them or not?: i think so
150. What do you think of Pamala Anderson Lee?: fake
151. Tell the truth did you ever wish you could look like a Barbie?: yes
152: have you ever smoked cigarettes?: no
153. Have you ever drank alcohol?: yea :-X
154. Have you ever done any drugs?: no..just prescription drugs
155. what do you think about facial hair?: not big on it

155. What is the nicest thing a girl could do for you?:
156. What do you look for in a girl?:1
157. What is the first thing you notice when you look at a girl?:
158. Do you like girls that wear makeup or that don't wear any?:
159. Have you ever cheated on a girl that you were dating?:
160. Tell the truth have you ever read a girl mag?:
161. What do you think of girls that are super skinny?:
162. What do you think of Pamala Anderson Lee?:
163. Do you think girls should be able to become president or not?:
164. Have you ever smoked cigarettes?:
165. Have you ever drank alcohol?:
166. Have you ever done any drugs?:

167. Coke or Pepsi?: dont care
168. Oranges or apples?: apples
170. Deaf or blind?: deaf
171. Pools or hot tubs?: hot tubs
172. Blondes or brunettes?: brunettes
173. Tall or short?: tall
174. Window seat or aisle?: window
175. TV or radio?: tv
176. Beach or pool?: beach
177. Pizza or Pasta?: pasta
178. Hamburger or Hotdog?: hotdog
179. Love or Lust?: Love
180. Barbie or GI Joe?: barbie
181. Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee? jackie chan
182. Action or love stories?: love
183. Tic-Tacs or certs?: tic tacs
184. Planes, Trains, or Automobiles?: autos
185. Snooze button or jump out of bed?: snoooooooze
186. Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset
187. Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: cheeseburger
188. Morning person or night person?: Night person
189. Sports or news?: sports
190. Bikini or one-piece?: bikini
191. Indoors or outdoors?: outdoors
192. Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: Eve
193. Rosie or Oprah?: Oprah
194. Bert or Ernie?: Ernie
195. Spicy or Mild?: Spicy
196. Spearmint or Peppermint?: Spearmint
197. Call or Write?: Call
198. Peanut Butter, Jelly, or Fluff?: Peanut Butter
199. Dog or Cat?: Cat
200. City or country?: Country
201. Ski or Swim?: swim
202. Bath or shower?: shower
203. Book or Movie?: movie
204. Green, Yellow, or Red apples?: red
205. Rain or Snow?: rain
206. Nike or Adidas?: adidas

207. Took a shower/Bath?: this morning
208. Watched Bambie?: when i was like..5
209. Cried?: before trevor called like 2 days ago cuz i was mad at my mom..grr
210. Got a real letter?: like in the mail? i dunno a long time
211. Talked on the phone?: with trevor last night at like 11 tellin him to get his bootay over here :-P lol
212. Read a book?: in language class
213. Punched someone?: last night im pretty sure i punched trevor..not hard though

214. Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Hopefully outta college and married? maybe?
215. Dream Car: a cool sport one or a convertible type thing thats red or black
218. I Want To Live In?: anywhere really
219. What time did you finish this survey?: 6:11..but i stopped for like an hour
220. Did you like it?: yes because i was very bored!
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