Memey and pictures

Apr 10, 2009 21:18

I HATE THIS COMPUTER!!!!!!!! AND THUMB DRIVES!!!! Before my brother started downloading something all my stuff was still there but when I got back on it was gone. GONE! It's never anybody else stuff it's always my stuff. I just can't win.-_-

Today wasn't all bad tho. My gramie and granpie came back form PHX where they were for the winter. They brought back some cool stuff. My brother got a shrit, WW1 book(he's a big history buff. Loves that stuff.) And an Enccarta Encyclopedia 09(thats what he was downloading). Mom got a shrit and jewraly I didn't see, I just saw the little box. So I am guessing earing or ring. Dad got a fishing basket, a shirt and a hat.

Mine shall be in pictures. Cause I am special.;)

I got a San Jose Sharks Shrit. Ignore the mountian of tissue's in the grabage can. I've had a cold all week.

And before you ask yes I have a blanket that has all the Canadian teams on it.

A closer look. If you can't tell it's Toskala and Nabokov.

This little guy. He gose on my car antenna

And a Coyotes Key change. It gets to be friends with my Saber key change.

The Saber one.

The other side.

1. Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2. Label which you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff.
3. Provide pictures of the 3 people.
4. Post this meme with your answers.

I love these boys very much but...

I would marry Nicky

I would shag Ryan

As mush as it pains me. Drapes would go over the cliff, a small cliff. Besides he go all chuck norrios and climb back up.;)

meme, random, rant

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