Sep 22, 2007 21:02
So, yeah. I kind of dropped off the radar there for a couple of weeks. The shorter version of why: teaching is bloody hard work, and very time consuming.
My class are hard work - there are quite a few disruptive little so and so's in there, which has at times made teaching them a real challenge. I was quite amused when out with friends on Thursday - I was telling them about some stuff that just goes right over my head now, which they were really shocked by, like kids telling me I'm mean, I'm a crap/rubbish/bad teacher, I should go back to France [never mind that I'm not actually French] and the suchlike. Still, I seem to keep going back every day, partly due to having such fantastic collegues - I spent this afternoon at Kew Gardens with one of them, we had a lovely time. I haven't been to Kew in forever, and it's just amazing. I'm so getting a membership - full price entrance costs £12.25, but a year's pass is only £37. Bargain!
If you were wondering about my life outside of teaching, it doesn't currently exist! Wish me luck for parent's evening this week :)
kew gardens