Sep 06, 2007 22:41
The thing about living where I do is that about 25% of the time, planes on take-off from Heathrow fly right overhead. When they do, it is bloody noisy. The kind of you-can't-hear-your-music-and-have-to-pause-conversation noisy. I cannot imagine what the people who live right by Heathrow do. I would go quite mad.
School is going ok - two days down with the kids. So far, so good, apart from the little treasure who thought that the best way to solve his problems today was to shout at me and another teacher, and to hit someone in the playground. Second day back. Awesome. *sigh* I am making friends on the staff, tho - one of the teachers in my year I'm getting on with particularly well, which is great :)
Gah, I need to get to bed.