Firstly, the good stuff:
The French essay is progressing well! I'm now up to 6581 words, so have reached the minumum word count! Yay! And I'm really getting into the swing of it, and also writing in a far more detirmined way than usual - like, I know exactly what I'm trying to prove and am setting out to prove it. Go me! In connection with this, the guy I'm writing about, Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, is doing a book launch at the Institut Français in London on Tuesday the 27th, when I will be (just) back in the country, so fool that I am, I'm very probably going to go. He's one of my favourite authors, and in extreme to get to meet him. For the record, this means that I will travel for 12 hours on Monday, get home around 9pm, then go back to London Tuesday afternoon, then come back home Tuesday evening once the thing's finished. And then go back to Oxford on Friday. And at some point, pack for said return. Place your votes in the comments for how insane I am. For anyone who might be interested,
go here, and if you're going, give me a shout.
We got our "grades" today - well, how they think we've done over the course. You can either get "mit Erfolg" (with success), "mit gutem Erfolg" (gd success) or "mit sehr gutem Erfolg" (v. gd. success). And I got mit sehr gutem Erfolg, which clearly thrills me no end, because I really didn't think I was doing that well at all, so yes. Once again, go me!
Weekend in Strasbourg was once again lots of fun - any weekend that involves the phrase "the finest ass I've ever seen" is a winner in my book. The museums were all free, so I went to the art gallery. Also saw Marie for the first time since April, when we weren't exactly on the best of terms. But, it all went well, we chatted, caught up on the summer, and were generally grown up and approaching friendly. yay!
Now, the proof (once again) that life is fundamentally unfair.
I was in the cool and funky café next to the institut, where there is a new art exhibition up, which is v. cool. I was noting down the website of the artist, when, lo and behold, the artist herself comes up to me and asks if she can give me her card, so I of course say yes, being all wow-ed at meeting a real artist and such. Then I head to leave, turns out she's leaving at the same time, so I ask her if she's a professional artist, because, hey, she's cute, and speaking German to lovely German women is always a plan. So we chatter for a bit, then she invites me to her next exhibition, which is in two weeks, and I'm like "grr, not fair, I'd LOVE to come, but I'm kinda leaving the country in three days."
Why do I have to meet cool, cute, funky new people when I'm leaving the damn country in three days? There is no justice, I tell you. No justice.
And her website is here:
Korona Stejke. It's in German, but I'm sure you'll get the idea. And there are photos of her on there. *sigh*