Jul 13, 2009 13:12
So that's that then, I've finished Private Lives, Public Property. When did that happen? It feels like I've been close to finishing this story for so long, but now I actually have I'm looking back and being like 'wait a minute, did I totally miss something?' Oh God, I hope I haven't! You'll all let me know if I totally forgot to tie up a plot point, won't you?
The epilogue was squeamishly self-indulgent, I'll be the first to admit that, but it's all a bit of a laugh, yeah? I went a bit nuts with matching everyone up, but you only know the half of it. I had some weird story idea in the back of my head (never to see the light of day, don't worry!) where Juls and Ellie's friendship was tested when they both hit puberty and fell in love with Jasper. Yeah, where the hell did Jasper come from? And what was up with me naming a kid Dizzy? Long epilogues are dangerous for me, I just get plain silly!
Continuing in the self-indulgent vein, I would love any and all feedback on PLPP now it's all done. Favourite line, worst chapter, most redundant character, bring it on!
Thanks so much to everyone who read this story and then took a couple of minutes to read my further ramblings on this. You've all made this so much fun, I really appreciate it.
Cheers, Jess