Apr 11, 2005 21:54
Today was the first day back after Spring Break, I honestly don't even feel like I HAD a break. Today was kind of a blur, I did everything I had to do and don't remember any of it. I sort of felt like I was in a dream and just floating through school, going through the routine..which I guess isn't all that bad. Luckily this week's short, we are out Friday because of Folk Fest. I love Folk Fest, but at the same time I hate it. It gets so annoying when you need to get across town to run an errand and it takes like an hour to get through town and back. My stepdad's cousin, wife, and their two kids [ages 3 & 1] are coming up here to stay and go to town. We were planning on being into our new house by this time so we thought we would have lots of room. But now there will be 8 people in a 3 bedroom house. We only have two extra twin beds in the extra bedroom, and four people are coming...I guess we'll break out the air matress...:S. Needless to say, my house should be very interesting with three children under the age of 4 running around and my stepdad's cousin and his wife are very..eccentric, to say the least. (Lenny Katherine has had her two children with midwives at her home and once we saw picture of her completely naked, birthing a child in a phamplet for some midwife service..haha. Allen's cousin, Rod, owns a record store in downtown LR and plans to run for Governor this coming up election..Rod Bryan for AR Gov..haha) Well, I've done enought rambling for tonight..I'm off to take a shower. Goodnight Everybody!