Onward to Florida!

Nov 06, 2007 17:07

Well I found out today that I was accepted to take part in a school trip to Miami, Florida for a humongous art convention. Flight and hotel will be payed for by the a travel grant and all I need to worry about is food, entry fee, and whatever else I might need. It hasn't quite sunk in yet, but as it does I'm becoming more excited.

I got an e-mail from my uncle (I'm always getting forwarded messages along with everyone in his address book) and this one was talking about the new Golden Compass movie coming out and how people shouldn't go because of its anti-christiam message. This link was attached to it.
I was really tempted to make an argument with him about this, by pointing out that children are capable of making their choices and there really shouldn't be any great concern over sabotaging the minds of children into becoming atheists, but I have not read the books the film is based on to know. I know the general outline and how the church is corrupt in the story (gasp! that could never be true in real life, could it?) and how God isn't good or something but that's about it in terms of religion that I've come to notice. I did try reading the first book but didn't get far because I found I was not interested in the story concept. Has anyone read them? I'm curious if they are really intended to destroy the minds of innocent children.

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