And injustice deliciously squared be prepared!

Aug 12, 2007 21:19

Hrrrmmm what a interesting week. I got back from Virginia yesterday and everything is going okay for the moment. Basically what I did was babysit/entertain my 10 year old cousin while everyone else ran off to take my Grandpa to the hospital.

While they were gone we played games like Lord of the Rings Monopoly twice. Both times I was severely destroyed by her fortresses to the point I went Bankrupt and had to mortgage all my property. We also played makeover and by that only meaning me. She first gave me what she called the “gothic” look, which was black lipstick and purple eyeshadow. I put the lipstick on myself without looking in the mirror and actually found satisfaction is seeing that I made smeared it on terribly which proves that I do not know how to apply makeup. Then she tried putting a bunch of pink makeup on until I claimed that we couldn’t do anymore because it was burning my flesh. We made a big poster with origami animals for our grandparents so that part was fun.

Among other things we went swimming at a little pool in the town and I soon found two other girls jumping and hanging around on me. Why they wanted my attention I have no idea. My cousin and I played a game where she tried to get these squirt balls from me and she was so intent on it that she nearly strangled me. Swimming was fun though except that evening I found a raging sunburn on and around my shoulders had revealed itself.

By Tuesday everyone came back so some of the attention on me was taken off a little bit. But then she wanted to play hair makeover. That was a painful experience with all the hair ties… I did get to do her hair though but I was nice and used clips.

So that picture there is an accumulation of the painful activities. And that laugh is not an exaggeration by any sort. She really does have a maniacal laugh and she kept saying “DUH NUH NUH!” like something terrible was about to happen.

Well despite all that though I really did have fun, although by Friday I found I needed a little me time. Mainly since I had a dream and I got me thinking on some ideas I wanted to write down. I got a painting she made for me of a creature she called “Bon Sushi” which was part octopus, part dragon, part alien, and part mysterious animal. It lives under water with rainbow star sand and the sun is in the ocean instead of the sky. I thought it was rather neat.

I’ve got that “Be prepared!” song from The Lion King stuck in my head since we watched that. It’s really catchy…


P.S. Oh and I forgot to mention the corn picking we did in the garden and how she laughed at me when I screamed after finding a big fat worm in one and threw it down, which was followed by much stomping. I was also forced to dance to the Live performance of a Duran Duran DVD... such merciless torture.
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